Happy Christmas To Ours Workers And Customers

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Its count down to the end of the business year 2020, and we are super thankful that we survived the ill-events of the year.


Sure, it wasn’t the best of year for many companies in the industry, particularly due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic that ravaged the whole world and took the lives of many.


In fact, many businesses folded up, as the cost of running a business became too high during the pandemic. This is one of the reasons why we are peculiarly grateful this Christmas season that at least we are still up and running.

 Merry Christmas

Despite the pandemic, seeing other companies going bankrupt and folding up, we are so grateful that our company gets to stand tall and we remain renowned baggage scanner manufacturers.


So to celebrate, our managing director decided to thank our company staff and some of our loyal clients from different countries of the world. In order to fast track this, the database of all our customers were collated and an invite was sent telling them to come for the party the company has organized.

In correspondence, all workers were also sent invite to the party. Everyone was expected to be around irrespective of their capacity and job responsibility in our company. However, we understood that it won't be very easy for most of our loyal clients to make it in person to join us during the end of the year party organized by the company.  


For this reason, gift items and other welfare package in appreciation for their commitment was shipped to them in their various  destinations. The party was fun, and most of our customers got to know many workers and even had confidence in purchasing goods from our company.


At the party, the companies director addressed the people. He apologised for every failure during the peak of the pandemic. He also promised a good working condition in the year 2021 if all conditions are kept constant. He thanked all the departments and their heads, giving credit where credit was due. After his speech, custom gifts were given to every member of staff, both great and small; everybody got a gift that was useful for them.

 Merry Christmas

Awards were also given to certain people and departments for the roles they played in boosting sales for the year and in preventing the spread of the virus within the company. The party ended with the director encouraging everybody to prepare to overcome all challenges that may arise in 2021.


However, while we celebrate the merry season, we also want to reassure our clients that we are always here to give you quality products at it's best. We offer jumbo sales during this Christmas, so get our products and enjoy our offers. Also, we want to use this medium to guarantee that all our communication lines will be very active at any hour and on any day.


Purchase Quality Baggage Scanners and other security products from us

We have been existing and working for decades now and we know what customers like you wants. You are most welcome to buy our high-quality products.

You will never regret investing your money into our company because we see it as our utmost duty to serve you right. Kindly click here to reach us for all our security products.


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